Sunday, 2 June 2013

Homemade DIY Biogas plant Digester step by step

water tank

pvc pipe

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cut the top off 1500 l digester tank
1500 l digester tank

1500 l digester tank with hole

outlet pipe at top of the tank

heat iron pipe for making hole in tank

make a 75 mm hole for inlet near the base of the tank on opposite side to the outlet

hole in tank

Step by Step Guide to Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester outlet by Plastic 1000 letter and 1500 letter water tank part 2
pvc pipe   

Put OUTLET pieces together like this  and fit onto the DIGESTER tank 

For all threaded fittings, apply white thread tape to improve the seal 

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Apply EPOXY RESIN around ALL jointstouching the tanks to make  water/gas 
Step by Step Guide to Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester by Plastic 1000 letter and 1500 letter water tank part 3

75mm fittings for the INLET/FEEDPIPE

Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester inlet Part 3

biogas tank inlet volve

Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester inlet Part 3

Insert FEED PIPE 1.2 m long into TEE 
Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester Part 4

Step by Step Guide to Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester by Plastic 1000 letter and 1500 letter water tank

Make ½”  (12.5mm)hole  in the TOP of  the gas holder  tank. The hole  should be near the EDGE of the tank

13.5 mm gas fittings

Fit the male adapter to the   inside of gas holder tank

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Filling the tank/starting up the system

Place clean  bricks in the  bottom of the  DIGESTER  tank to support the GAS HOLDER tank and the INLET PIPE

Fill the DIGESTER tank 
according to  the 
START UP instructions

Biogas plant digester

After filling the DIGESTER tank, place the GAS HOLDER tank inside the DIGESTER

biogas digester


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